Course Description & Syllabus In this course, students use video as a means of spatial exploration. Students create sculptures and installations that incorporate video screens and projectors. The class explores how video can be used as a sculptural material to activate space and engage the body. Students build on their video capture/editing skills, learn to use digital screens, projectors, projection mapping software, and expand their fabrication skills. Students are introduced to a wide range of contemporary artists working at the intersection of video and space.
Site-Specific Projection
Students created a 2 minute, site-specific video to be projected on the side of Daniels & Fisher Clock Tower in downtown Denver. Students collectively decided that the theme for this project as TRANSFORMATION. This opportunity was made possible by the Night Lights Denver.
Projected Environment
Students used video projection and any other materials or objects of their choice to create an environment.
Jordan Bigelow
Students created an object that incorporated a moving image such as a sculpture with a video monitor embedded in it, an object with a video projected onto it or some other strange combination.
Naila Martinez
Olivia Kayang
Jordan Bigelow
Jason Duncan
Sophie Smithgram
Eli Bucksbaum
Marie Negaard